Combustion plants operators optimise your energy production process. The more energy you produce, the less harmful gases you emit into the atmosphere. The less fuel consumed, the more profitable the combustion plant will be!
For several years now, the world's energy mix has been changing. The irretrievable depletion of fossil fuels and the urgent need to slow global warming have prompted us to rethink the way we produce energy.
The energy transition now combines the burning of fossil fuels with the production of renewable energy, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere and preserve our limited resources as far as possible.
With this dynamic in mind, thermal power plant operators need more than ever to optimize their thermal power generation processes.
Obviously, the less fuel consumed, the more profitable the combustion plant will become. But also, by optimizing the combustion reaction, more energy will be produced, and less harmful gases will be emitted into the atmosphere.
Finally, operators must also prevent the risk of explosion and corrosion of industrial boilers, while ensuring the safety of the staff.
Most of the combustion control systems for boilers control the air-fuel ratio by measuring O₂ only.
But these systems cannot eliminate the possibility of heat loss due to incomplete combustion.
The most efficient combustion can be achieved by lowering the air-fuel ratio to the point just before incomplete combustion occurs, which we call the ultra-low excess air combustion.
The laser gas analyser ZSS enables the ultra-low excess air combustion by detecting CO and O₂ simultaneously
Download your application sheet to learn how optimizing your combustion can reduce your operating costs!