Fiche IND-UT-134 : Your Energy Performance Indicator measurement system financed by CEE grants

The IND-UT-134 sheet was published in January 2019 and revised in November 2020. This CEE form enables manufacturers to benefit from financing for the implementation of an Energy Performance Indicator measurement system (EPI).

What conditions must be met to be eligible for the CEE bonus scheme?
Discover the solution for setting up an energy performance indicator measurement system in your industry.

Energy saving certificate and CEE bonus

energy policy in france

France's energy policy and the obligations of manufacturers

The French Energy Policy Programming and Orientation Act(loi POPE, July 3, 2005) sets the guidelines for France's energy policy. Decree n°2010-1663 sets out the savings obligations for energy suppliers.

Since 2006, the Certificats d'Economies d'Energie (CEE) scheme has been one of the main instruments of the energy demand management policy. It is based on the obligation for energy suppliers to make energy savings, either in their own operations or with energy consumers.

the cee can be supplied in the form of a data sheet

The CEE can be issued in the form of a card:

  • standardized operations
  • specific operations
  • program.

    The standard CEE energy-saving certificates are designed to make it easier to set up energy-saving actions. These sheets correspond to operations commonly carried out, for which a fixed value of energy saving certificates has been defined. To date, there are over 200 CEE sheets. They have been drawn up byADEME andATEE, and specify for each operation the conditions for issuing CEE and the lump-sum CEE premium to be issued.

    What is an Energy Performance Indicator measurement system (EPI)?

    The Energy Performance Indicator measurement system (EPI) is a set of tools and methods used to assess the energy efficiency of an industrial plant or building. It makes it possible to monitor energy consumption,identify opportunities for improvement, and implement strategies to reduce energy consumption and associated costs, while helping to protect the environment.


    The CEE industry data sheet : IND-UT-134 Energy Performance Indicator Measurement System

    The CEE standardised data sheet entitled "EPI measurement system"(referenced as data sheet IND-UT-134) aims to finance the implementation of Energy Performance IndicatorsEPI). These indicators concern one or more pieces of equipment for energy use. Financing can be partial or total. The process involves a data collection system and an energy management software solution. In this way, industrial sites can set up an indicator measurement system to improve their energy performance. The metering system can include existing elements and be complemented by new ones. Possible metering elements include: compressed air meters, steam meters, water meters, condensate meters, thermal energy meters, electricity meters, gas meters, pressure measurement, flow measurement and temperature measurement, heat transfer fluid meters, communication gateways, logging facilities and energy management software.

    Download the "Industry" sector files
    target the equipment that consumes the most

    The "EPImetering system" IND-UT-134 CEE sheet targets the equipment with the highest energy consumption and savings potential (UES) in the following categories:


    What are the metering system's functions?

    • Communicate the results obtained to the user in order to monitor the progress of the project. EPI
    • Alert the user to any drift in Energy Performance Indicators
    • Measure, collect and store the data required to calculate Energy Performance Indicators

    how to finance your metering plan

    What are the conditions for financing your counting plan?

    The data processing system must enable at least a display of EPI (Energy Performance Indicator), as well as historical data and cumulative data by hour, day, week, month or year.

    • Statistical calculations (average, minimum, maximum) should enable periodic summary reports to be drawn up, EPI to be compared with reference values, and alarms to be managed in the event of thresholds being exceeded.
    • The beneficiary acquires an energy management software package that can be used to establish an EPI (Energy Performance Indicator) based on the ratio between energy consumed and energy produced.

    Industrial process, thermal or electrical Efficiency (kWh/production unit) 
    Heat production and/or distribution Specific heating efficiency (%) 
    Compressed air production and/or distributionSpecific energy consumption (Wh/Nm3)
    Cold production and/or distributionCOP (kWh refrigeration/kWh electricity)
    Other motorized systems (Motorized systems other than cooling and compressed air production (pumps, grinders, fans, conveyors, etc.).Yield (%) 
    Energy Performance Indicators form IND-UT-134

    In other words, simply collecting consumption data from energy suppliers' meters is not eligible.

    Fuji Electric can help you set up a system for measuring EPI

    metrological follow-up and maintenance services for your measuring instruments

    Easy, guided creation of your measurement plan

    To make your job easier. Fuji Electric's engineers and technicians will help you develop and implement your measurement plan. Fuji Electric technologies enable you to measure and optimize your energies, and thus optimize your equipment, improve your process regulation, and anticipate your needs.

    • Determine your consumption and emissions with precision
    • Calculate the efficiency of your systems
    • Define your energy performance indicators

    a single point of contact for follow-up

    A single point of contact to monitor and manage your project

    Thanks to its recognized expertise in the field of energy efficiency, Fuji Electric can help you implement your Energy Performance Indicator measurement system project. We appoint a single point of contact to monitor and manage your project.

    • Validation of measures already in place
    • Sizing and supply of instrumentation and energy management software
    • Installation and commissioning of equipment as an industrial automation integrator
    • The application form for the Energy Savings Certificate bonus

    Energy monitoring and optimization :

    what energy items are covered by ind ut 134?

    Consult, analyze and understand your energy flows and equipment performance to optimize your operations

    Our energy metering solutions are designed to benefit you on a strategic, global and operational level. They give you easy access to all your plant's energy information in real time.

    This enables you to identify sources of optimization and efficiency. So you can better manage your industrial site.

    We also offer real-time monitoring of Energy Performance Indicators. This monitoring system can be local or multisite, and complies with CEE standard IND-UT-134. This supervision of measurements guarantees daily energy monitoring for your industrial operations.

    Finally, these energy indicators are designed to help you make the most appropriate strategic decisions. So you can optimize your energy performance.

    Our counting solutions facilitate the acquisition, recording, communication, understanding and exchange of information via interfaces tailored to your needs.


    Open communication solutions to collect and track your energy flows

    open communication solutions

    Thanks to our communication systems, energy values, fluid and electrical metering and all your measurements can be accessed locally for daily monitoring by your operators.

    Monitouch's dedicatedHuman Machine Interface enables real-time visualization of measurements and data storage, andinterfaces with existing automation systems, your supervision systems or our energy monitoring and optimization software. The Energy Performance Indices of your installations are shared in the form of a database.

    So you can make the best decisions to optimize your energy performance.


    Metrological monitoring and maintenance services for your measuring instruments

    one expertise one team one project

    We deploy all our human resources to carry out your energy metering projects. We deploy all our human resources to implement the Energy Performance Indicator measurement system.

    Fuji Electric is dedicated to ensuring the metrological follow-up and maintenance of your instruments. We work together to draw up a maintenance plan tailored to your industry. Our team of technicians and engineers is at your side throughout the entire life cycle of our measuring equipment. This goes beyond simply maintaining the equipment. It helps reduce operating risks.

    We can also help youoptimize your processes. At your request, we can carry out a complete industrial energy audit of your plant. Finally, we also aim to increase the added value of your plant. We put our expertise at your service to achieve this goal.

    Download BROCHURE

    Certificats d'Economies d'Energie - Metering system

    Download the brochure and find out more about our energy performance indicator measurement system.


    Contact our energy performance expert

    contact our energy performance expert


    Energy metering and optimization manager


    Tel. +33 (0)6 79 72 07 29

    Eric is there to help you realize your projects.