Energy saving certificate : Complete Guide and Benefits

Energy saving certificates (CEE) are essential to encourage energy saving initiatives in France. CEE certificates enable companies to prove that they have taken action to reduce their energy consumption. In return, they receive CEE that they can trade in or use to meet their obligations.

set up by the French government

Set up by the government, energy saving certificates cover a wide range of actions, from improving building insulation to installing more efficient energy systems. Companies and local authorities are the main beneficiaries of these certificates.

The CEE mechanism is based on strict regulations and a dynamic market where certificates are traded. This not only helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also stimulates the green economy.

Key points

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Basic principles of energy savings certificates

Energy Savings Certificates (CEE ) are schemes set up by the French government. They are designed to encourage companies and individuals to make energy savings. Energy suppliers are obliged to finance energy-saving actions.

CEE operates on the basis of a system of obligations. Energy suppliers, known as "obligés", must make or encourage energy savings.

There are several types of project eligible for CEE. These include thermal insulation, replacement of boilers and installation of solar water heaters, installation of variable frequency drives on pumps, and installation of energy performance indicator measurement systems (EPI).

EWC process

  1. Work identification: Select eligible energy-saving work.
  2. Carrying out the work: Have the work carried out by certified professionals.
  3. Receipt of certificates: The work carried out is validated and EECs are issued.

Three-year targets are set by public authorities through specific regulations.

Players involved

CEE are awarded on the basis of kWh cumac saved. This term combines the kWh saved and their projected lifetime.

Benefits of CEE

EWCs play a key role in France's energy policy. They encourage more responsible and efficient use of energy resources.

History and regulatory developments

Energy Savings Certificates (CEE) have evolved since their inception to meet France's changing energy efficiency needs. This process includes clear initial objectives and periodic legislative revisions.

background and initial objectives

Genesis and initial objectives

The introduction of EWCs began in 2005 with the adoption of the French Energy Policy Programming Law (Loi de Programmation fixant les Orientations de la Politique Énergétique - POPE law).

The initial objectives were mainly to reduce energy consumption and encourage companies to invest in energy efficiency.

Energy suppliers were required to promote actions with their customers by offering financial assistance.

In this way, they could earn CEE credits by carrying out energy-saving operations or encouraging others to do so.

legislative revisions

Legislative revisions and application periods

CEE has undergone several major revisions to adapt to changes in energy and environmental policies.

The first obligation period ran from 2006 to 2009. Subsequent obligation periods have refined the objectives and methods, with adjustments to the volumes of CEE to be achieved.

Since 2011, targets have been reassessed every three or four years, gradually increasing the volume of savings to be achieved.

Each period has introduced modifications to improve incentive and control mechanisms. The revisions have also included new categories of eligible actions to meet the needs of the energy sector.

Players involved and their roles

Energy saving certificates (CEE) involve several key players. Each plays a specific and essential role in the process.

the players involved and their roles

Obligated and eligible

Obligated parties" are companies such as energy suppliers (electricity, gas, fuel oil, vehicle fuels). They are required by law to make energy savings.
They can either implement energy-saving actions, or purchase certificates from other players who have carried out energy-saving projects.

Eligible parties" include local authorities, professionals and other entities that can carry out energy-saving operations.
These players can then resell the certificates obtained to the obligated parties to help them meet their obligations. This creates a dynamic market where CEEs are traded.

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Informers and other players

Délégataires are entities authorized by the State to act on behalf of obligated parties. They can help implement energy-saving projects and facilitate the purchase of CEE for obligated parties.
Delegataires play an intermediary role, providing expertise and resources to maximize energy savings.

Other players include design offices, installers and associations specializing in energy efficiency.
They provide technical services, advice and support to ensure the success of projects. These players add value by guaranteeing the quality and effectiveness of the actions taken.

Certificate calculation and mechanism operation

The energy savings certificate mechanism is based on precise methods for calculating savings. Energy savings are defined by specific standards.

calculation method

Calculation methodology

The calculation method begins by identifying eligible actions. These actions must relate to areas such as heating, lighting and insulation. Each action is coded and assigned a savings coefficient.

Next, the initial energy consumption is measured before the action is implemented. This step provides a basis for comparison.

After installation, the new consumption is measured. The difference between initial and final consumption represents energy savings.

Example formula :

Energy savings = Initial consumption - Final consumption
These savings are converted into kWh cumac (kWh cumac = discounted cumulative energy). Each kWh cumac has a monetary value set by the certificate market.

Definition of energy savings

Energy savings are defined as the amount of energy not consumed as a result of actions taken. They are effective in reducing energy demand.

The French government has drawn up standardized forms for various actions. Each sheet describes the action, the eligibility criteria, and the expected savings.

definitions of energy savings

Definition of energy savings

Energy savings are defined as the amount of energy not consumed as a result of actions taken. They are effective in reducing energy demand.

The French government has drawn up standardized forms for various actions. Each sheet describes the action, the eligibility criteria, and the expected savings.

Examples of actions:

  • Improving the thermal insulation of buildings
  • Optimization of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
  • Installation of heat recovery systems
  • Renovation or installation of LED lighting
  • Boiler replacement
  • Installation of variable speed drives on electric motors
  • Industrial process optimization
  • Use of renewable energy sources

These actions are often grouped by sector: residential, tertiary (tertiary decree) and industrial. By choosing the most effective actions, companies can maximize their energy savings certificates.
Energy savings are essential to achieving national and international climate targets.

Types of eligible operations

Energy saving certificates" (CEE) cover a range of projects designed to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and encourage the use of renewable energies. Here are the main eligible operations.

energy renovation work

Energy renovation

For industrial companies, energy renovation optimizes costs and improves operational efficiency.

Here are some recommended interventions:

  • Wall, roof and floor insulation: Thermal insulation maximizes heat retention in winter and maintains coolness in summer, reducing energy demands for heating and cooling.
  • Changing windows: Installing double-glazed windows or windows with reinforced insulation makes a significant contribution to maintaining constant indoor temperatures and reducing energy costs.
  • Replacing heating and cooling systems: Opting for more modern, efficient equipment such as condensing boilers, heat pumps or high-performance air-conditioning systems can result in substantial savings in energy consumption.
  • Optimizing ventilation: Installing controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) improves air quality while minimizing heat loss, ensuring a healthy working environment that's less costly to maintain.

These improvements not only increase comfort but also reduce the company's environmental footprint, thereby reinforcing its social responsibility and regulatory compliance in terms of energy efficiency.

renewable energies

Renewable energies

Renewable energies include the installation of photovoltaic solar panels to generate electricity from the sun. In addition, solar thermal panels heat water using solar energy, reducing fossil fuel consumption.

The installation of heat pumps is also eligible. These systems use energy from the air, water or ground to heat or cool buildings in an environmentally-friendly way.

Biomass systems, such as wood pellet boilers or stoves, are encouraged. They use renewable energy sources for heating, reducing CO2 emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.

Procedure for obtaining certificates

To obtain energy saving certificates, it is essential to follow the eligibility criteria and go through a rigorous audit process.

application and eligibility criteria

Application and eligibility criteria

The application file must contain precise details of the work carried out. The necessary documents include detailed estimates, invoices and affidavits.

Important criteria :

  • The work must comply with technical requirements.
  • The equipment installed must be certified.
  • Energy savings must be measurable and justifiable.

The project owner must prove that the work has led to energy optimization. Without this proof, the application may be rejected. It is essential to document every stage of the project.

    certificate audit and validation process

    Audit process and validation of energy saving certificates (CEE)

    The audit process is a key step in validating energy savings. An independent auditor examines the documents provided and verifies the conformity of the work.

    Audit steps :

    1. Document verification: the auditor analyzes invoices and certificates.
    2. On-site inspection: if necessary, the auditor visits the site to check the installation.
    3. Savings calculation: the auditor evaluates the energy savings achieved using standardized calculation methods.

    If the result is positive, the certificate is issued. The audit must be transparent and the validation process rigorous, to guarantee the authenticity of the savings.

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    CEE sheets

    CEE sheets provide guidelines for energy savings. They describe specific actions that qualify for energy savings certificates.

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    Case IND-UT-134 : Energy performance indicator measurement system

    Form IND-UT-134 concerns the installation of metering systems to monitor energy performance. These systems, combined with smart energy meters and IOT sensors, help identify sources of waste and optimize energy use. They include sensors and software to collect and analyze data.

    This enables companies to better manage, control and reduce their energy consumption. Precise monitoring of performance indicators leads to effective corrective action. This translates into significant energy savings and reduced operating costs for industrial companies. Companies can set up an Energy Performance Indicator measurement system and finance it with CEE.

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    Case IND-UT-102 : Electronic speed variation system on an asynchronous motor

    Data sheet IND-UT-102 deals with the installation of variable speed systems for induction motors. These systems adjust motor speed according to requirements, thus improving energy efficiency. They reduce energy consumption by cutting losses caused by sub-optimal speeds.

    The integration of variable speed drives is beneficial for industries using heavy machinery. This leads to improved performance and energy savings. The factsheet details the technical criteria and conditions to be met in order to qualify for CEE.

    Energy savings certificate market and trading

    The energy savings certificate market enables companies and local authorities to buy and sell these certificates. This encourages investment in energy efficiency.

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    How the market works

    The energy savings certificate market is based on a quota system. Energy suppliers are obliged to make energy savings. If they fail to meet their targets, they can purchase certificates from other players who have a surplus.

    These certificates can be traded freely. Exchanges are generally made via dedicated online platforms. Players can also sign bilateral contracts.

    Companies and local authorities that carry out energy efficiency projects can obtain certificates. For example, installing LED light bulbs or improving building insulation.

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    Energy savings certificate prices and trends

    The price of energy-saving certificates varies according to supply and demand. When demand is high, prices rise. Conversely, when many players have certificates to sell, prices fall.

    Factors such as energy policies and economic conditions also influence prices. For example, subsidies for energy efficiency can increase the supply of certificates.

    Recent trends show an increase in demand for certificates. This increase is linked to carbon emission reduction targets. Companies are looking to invest more in energy efficiency.

    Sanctions and controls

    Strict penalties are imposed for non-compliance with energy-saving certificate obligations. In addition, a rigorous control system is in place to ensure stakeholder compliance.

    Penalties for non-compliance

    Companies failing to meet their obligations can be subject to significant financial penalties. Fines are calculated on the basis of discrepancies between energy-saving targets and actual results.

    For example, for each missing megawatt-hour, a penalty of €20 can be applied. This amount is intended to encourage companies to meet their energy targets.

    In addition to fines, companies may be placed on a publicly accessible non-compliance list, affecting their reputation. This can also lead to restrictions on participating in future public programs or tenders. The authorities ensure strict enforcement of the rules to guarantee the integrity of the system.

    Control and monitoring system

    A control and monitoring system is in place to verify the authenticity of declared energy savings. This includes regular audits and unannounced inspections.

    Audits ensure that the actions undertaken correspond to the declared savings. Independent bodies are often commissioned to carry out these audits, to guarantee total impartiality.

    Data is also monitored via an online tracking platform. This platform enables potential inconsistencies to be flagged up quickly. Inspection results are accessible to the entities concerned, and may also be published in certain cases to enhance the transparency of the system.

    This control system is designed to maintain a high level of rigor and prevent any attempt at fraud or data manipulation.

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    Environmental and economic impact

    Energy saving certificates play a vital role in reducing CO2 emissions, and bring significant economic benefits to the various players involved.

    reducing co2 emissions

    Reducing CO2 emissions

    Energy saving certificates are designed to encourage the implementation of projects that reduce energy consumption. This leads directly to a reduction in CO2 emissions. For example, measures such as insulating buildings, replacing boilers and using more efficient household appliances all help to reduce fossil fuel consumption.

    The savings generated by these projects translate into a proportional reduction in greenhouse gases. Companies and individuals taking part in this program are thus actively contributing to the fight against climate change.

    economic benefits

    Economic benefits for players

    Energy saving certificates also offer financial benefits. Companies can sell these certificates to generate additional income. This provides a further incentive to invest in energy efficiency projects.

    End consumers, meanwhile, benefit from subsidies and discounts on the cost of their energy renovation work. This reduces their energy bills in the long term and improves the comfort of their homes.

    By supporting these projects, energy suppliers avoid penalties and benefit from a better brand image. The economy as a whole is strengthened, with gains in efficiency and competitiveness.

    Future prospects and developments

    Energy saving certificates (CEE) offer interesting opportunities in a number of areas. They could see improvements thanks to technological innovations and changes in the legislative and political framework.

    renewable energies

    Technological innovations: measurement sensors and high-performance devices

    Technological innovations are having a decisive impact on EWC efficiency. Intelligent energy management systems enable more efficient use of energy by monitoring and optimizing consumption. Using advanced software and intelligent measurement sensors, buildings can automatically adjust heating, cooling and lighting to save energy.

    Renewable energies are also bringing about change. For example, building-integrated solar panels and wind turbines offer clean energy alternatives. New technologies can even store energy for later use, making energy savings more reliable.

    Energy-efficient appliances are becoming increasingly accessible. The adoption of energy-saving appliances such as high-efficiency electric motors, variable speed drives for motors, industrial LED lighting, heat recovery systems, high-efficiency heat exchangers and industrial heat pumps reduces energy consumption over the long term, thereby contributing to the EWC objectives.

    legislative and political framework

    Legislative and policy framework

    The legislative and political framework for EWCs can have a significant impact on their implementation. Governments can introduce stricter energy standards, forcing companies and individuals to use more energy-efficient products. This could stimulate innovation and the adoption of greener practices.

    Financial incentives and subsidies are also effective tools. Policies offering tax breaks or subsidies for the purchase of energy-saving equipment can encourage more people to take part in EWC programs.

    International cooperation can also lead to the adoption of global standards for energy savings. International agreements and partnerships can facilitate the development and exchange of technologies between countries, thereby contributing to energy savings on a larger scale.

    FAQ on Energy Savings Certificates

    What is an energy-saving certificate?

    Energy saving certificates are a key instrument for promoting energy savings in France. This guide answers common questions about obtaining certificates, suppliers and comparison criteria.

    How can I obtain energy saving certificates?

    If you run or work in an industrial company and are seeking to obtain energy saving certificates, the approach generally involves actions aimed at reducing energy consumption through optimized systems and processes. It's important to carry out a detailed analysis of your current installations to identify the main areas for energy improvement. Solutions may include upgrading obsolete machinery, optimizing heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, or integrating automated energy management technologies.

    Once the modifications have been made, precise data on the savings achieved must be collected to justify the award of energy-saving certificates. These data serve to prove the effectiveness of the interventions, and will be scrutinized by the bodies awarding the certificates.

    In this context, contacting a specialist in energy technology, such as Fuji Electric, can be useful. Fuji Electric offers specialized solutions for industry, from energy metering systems to variable speed drives, which can significantly help improve your energy efficiency.

    How do energy saving certificates work for businesses?

    Companies can benefit from the scheme by carrying out energy efficiency projects. They obtain certificates, which they can then resell to obligated parties. Projects must meet the criteria defined by the government.

    Which suppliers offer the best CEE premiums?

    Energy suppliers such as EDF, Engie and TotalEnergies offer attractive incentives. It's a good idea to compare offers based on bonus amounts and the specific terms and conditions of each supplier.

    What are the criteria for comparing energy-saving certificate offers?

    To compare offers, you need to consider the amount of the premium, the eligibility requirements, the speed with which applications are processed, and the level of service provided by the supplier. Transparency of terms and conditions is also an important criterion.

    When you work with specialists like Fuji Electric, you also benefit from personalized advice that takes into account the specifics of your industrial business. They can help you navigate the different parameters of each offering, ensuring you make an informed choice that maximizes your savings while meeting regulatory requirements.

    In short, by drawing on the experience and knowledge of experts like those at Fuji Electric, you can not only find the most advantageous energy saving certificate offer, but also optimize your company's energy efficiency in a sustainable way.

    What is the list of suppliers offering a CEE premium?

    The main suppliers offering a CEE bonus include EDF, Engie, TotalEnergies,... Each offers bonuses with varying conditions. It's important to check the details on their respective websites.

    Maximize your energy savings and reduce your costs today!

    Contact Fuji Electric for expert advice, technical support and advanced technologies to maximize your energy savings and ensure the success of your application forenergy saving certificates.

    Find out how energy saving certificates can transform your business. These certificates, the result of a government initiative, are designed to encourage companies and individuals to invest in energy-efficient solutions. By adopting measures that reduce energy consumption, you can not only benefit from financial aid, but also contribute to a cleaner planet.

    Turn your energy consumption into a competitive advantage. Energy saving certificates enable you to reduce your operating costs while increasing your energy efficiency. Whether you're a small business or a major industrial player, these certificates can help you finance renovation or installation projects aimed at improving your energy balance.

    Don't wait any longer! Contact FUJI ELECTRIC today to explore the possibilities offered by energy saving certificates. Our team of experts is ready to guide you through the process, initiating an analysis of your needs and discussing the best ways to reduce your energy consumption while optimizing your industrial production.