Industrial objective: control energy consumption

The issue of energy management is of paramount importance to you.

Industrial companies need to control their energy consumption if they are to make significant savings on their electricity or gas bills. Indeed, energy is a significant expense for many industrial companies, so it makes sense to do everything possible to limit consumption.

Controlling energy consumption

Controlling energy consumption: an essential corporate initiative

Controlling energy consumption can help improve business efficiency and reduce production costs. By optimizing energy use, it is possible to reduce production times and cut heat or pressure losses, which can translate into higher productivity.

Finally, controlling energy consumption is also a responsible and sustainable approach, which can benefit the company's image and reputation with customers and stakeholders. By showing that it takes into account the impact of its activities on the environment, the company can reinforce its credibility and legitimacy in the marketplace.

Measuring energy means knowing what we consume

Measuring energy means knowing what we consume

Measuring means knowing what we consume, determining the energy cost of production equipment and utilities, and identifying potential savings.

Energy metering for industrial customers :


LIQUID METERING: Energy, volume (mass), flow and power

Calculation of heat quantity and corresponding flow rates from liquid circulation through a hot or cold exchange system.


STEAM METERING: Energy, volume (mass), flow and power

Calculation of heat quantity and corresponding flow rates based on steam flow measurement, pressure and/or temperature measurements and specific algorithms.


GAS and AIR METERING: Energy, volume (mass), flow and power

Calculate gas flows, gas quantities and energy from flow, pressure and temperature measurements.


BIOGAS METERING: Instantaneous and corrected flows, temperature, pressure, flared and recovered volumes

  • Acquisition of measurements (pressure, temperature and flow) for recovery zones and flares.
  • Calculation of flared volume and recovered volume (daily, monthly and annual) in Nm3.
  • Measured data displayed on ECU with touchscreen.
  • Calculation of site recovery rate.
  • Edit and export reports.

Contact us now for your energy consumption measurements!

Support you in your energy management approach

Fuji Electric supports you during the design, supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of this energy measurement solution.

Our engineers have developed a complete range of energy measurement instruments. These instruments are designed for various applications: liquids, steam, gas, air and biogas.

The aim of these tools is to support you in your energy management process. This is a crucial step for any company concerned with its performance.

Finally, these tools are also designed to help youimprove your competitiveness. They are designed to help you optimize the use of your resources, which can give you a competitive edge.

Measurement is performed by pressure transmitters, ultrasonic flowmeters or temperature probes.

Energy meters are used to acquire energy consumption or production data. These devices meet MID and ISO5167 standards and are suitable for commercial transactions.

Contact us now for your energy consumption measurements!