Saving energy in your plant: How can you reduce energy costs?

Saving energy in plants enables companies to increase their competitiveness and free up new room for manoeuvre. Potential savings are often poorly exploited, even though the gains to be made are both rapid and substantial.

Follow our practical tips to reduce energy consumption.

Auditing, measuring and analyzing the energy consumption of utilities (steam, fuel, electricity, cooling and air) is an essential step towards optimizing costs.


The weight of energy consumption by factories in France

The industrial sector accounts for 9% of the cost of energy consumption in France. In this country, industry is the 3ᵉ most energy-intensive sector, particularly when it comes to gas and electricity, which alone account for 2/3 of the energy bill. Industrials also face a 5% rise in electricity prices every year.

In this context and faced with these challenges, it is in the interest of every company director to optimize his or her processes and installations in order to save energy and minimize financial losses.

What are the main energy-consuming items in industrial companies?

The industrial sector is the world's largest consumer of energy resources

The main sources of energy loss in industry

The main energy consumption items in the plants

Inadequate use of utilities leads to overconsumption, reduced equipment availability and production capacity, excessive heat build-up, repeated breakdowns and more curative maintenance.

The same is true of networks: poorly managed networks lead to higher production costs, inadequate energy supply, high losses in the form of heat, inappropriate power distribution and, consequently, lower energy yields. As a result, energy is neither optimally recovered nor redirected within the company to reduce industrialenergy consumption .

All this translates in part into a reduction in production tool life, longer effective working hours, and lower product quality and business performance. It is essential to draw up a precise audit report on energy consumption levels to identify sources of waste and assess the possible return on investment (ROI).

Best practices for optimizing plant energy costs

A large proportion of industrial energy losses relate to utilities (steam, fuel, electricity, industrial refrigeration and compressed air): inaccurate or non-existent measurement of process or building consumption, failure to detect anomalies, inadequate or non-existent energy recovery, and so on. To reduce utility costs, it is essential to be able to measure, visualize and monitor consumption, and to set up control systems.

For a rapid impact, it's important to take steps to reduce these costs. By following practical advice and adopting simple gestures, such as optimizing lighting and regular equipment maintenance, it is possible to improve theenergy efficiency of a building or machine. This helps to save money and reduce energy bills.

the virtual circle of energy optimization

The virtuous circle of energy optimisation

best practices

The importance of energy metering in plants

In concrete terms, a precise analysis of energy consumption, combined with appropriate action, enables utilities to be optimized and energy to be saved, as follows:

An audit with a detailed report on the sources of energy savings makes it possible to assess the return on investment (ROI) and identify sources of waste, which is essential for improving theenergy efficiency of industrial plants.



The measurement of saturated or superheated steam, and of pressure and temperature-corrected flow, is essential in industrial sectors such as food processing and the chemical and petrochemical industries for process heating.

Steam flow metering enables :

  • Reducing steam leakage
  • Improving thermal insulation
  • Isolating out-of-service networks
  • Purge system maintenance



In the majority of industrial companies, gas, fuel oil and coal are used to produce heat for plant installations and industrial processes. Industries remain highly dependent on fossil fuels as raw materials.

Measuring fuel consumption enables :



Whatever your sector of activity, electricity is probably the most essential utility for the operation of your production equipment.

Electrical energy metering and optimization enable :

  • Improved network parameters
  • Better load distribution
  • optimized energy consumption
  • modernization of equipment, motors, variable speed drives, etc.



Although the food industry is the main consumer of energy in the form of industrial refrigeration to maintain the cold chain, other sectors such as pharmaceuticals and chemicals also make use of it (cooling circuits in processes, datacenters, industrial buildings, etc.).

Industrial refrigeration metering enables :

  • Plan power consumption
  • Monitor COP (coefficient of performance)
  • Optimise process performance


Compressed air

11% of industrial electricity production is dedicated to the manufacture of compressed air. For these industries, mastery of air network management is essential.

Collecting, analyzing and exploiting precise data on air consumption, selecting and installing compressed air meters and relevant energy performance indicators can generate between 15 and 30% savings in :

  • Monitoring compressed air leaks
  • Optimising air network maintenance (monitoring filter clogging levels, etc.)
  • Keep compressed air pressure as low as possible

renewable energy and innovation

Renewable energies and innovation

Renewable energies represent a promising solution for reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in factories and industrial sites. Thanks to innovation, new technologies are emerging that enable green energy to be produced more efficiently and at lower cost, thereby reducing the price tag on their bills. Industrial companies can take advantage of these advances to reduce their energy costs while improving their brand image.

The use of renewable energies, such as solar, wind and hydro power, can power not only industrial processes, but also buildings and vehicles. By integrating these energy sources into their operations, companies can not only reduce their energy consumption, but also contribute to a more sustainable future. Innovations in this field offer solutions tailored to the specific needs of manufacturers, making the transition to cleaner energy both viable and advantageous.

environmental impact of plants

Environmental impact of plants

Industry has a significant environmental impact, mainly due to its energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. To improve their sustainability, industrial companies need to adopt measures to reduce this impact. Reducing energy consumption andadopting renewable energies are key solutions for minimizing industry's ecological footprint while improving profitability.

In addition, companies can adopt more efficient production practices to reduce energy losses. For example, optimizing production processes, regular equipment maintenance and the use of state-of-the-art technologies can all contribute to greater energy efficiency. By taking these steps, companies not only reduce their environmental impact, but can also achieve substantial energy savings, boosting their competitiveness in the marketplace.

utility consumption

Are you looking to audit, measure and analyze your utilities consumption?

Our energy metering experts can advise you

Our energy metering experts can advise you on practical solutions for auditing, measuring and analyzing utility consumption, sharing specific tips for optimizing energy and reducing bills.

In the final analysis, saving and optimizing energy consumption is within the reach of every industrial operator. All it takes is the right procedures and the right measuring instruments.

Fuji Electric can help you implement your energy metering, data collection and facility monitoring systems.

To achieve this, our energy metering solutions are based on the requirements of standards(ISO 5167, MID, ISO 50001, etc.).

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