Cable ZRZX for ATEX oxygen analyser - ZKMX/ZFKX

ATEX cable linking O2 sensor ZFKX - controller ZKMX

Fields of application

Oxygen control for potentially explosive atmospheres.
Refining furnaces, petrochemical furnaces, large industrial boilers.


  • ATEX cable
  • High-temperature cable
  • High mechanical strength
  • High chemical resistance
Catalogue number : ZRZX
From 1760 €


The ZRZX ATEX cable is used to connect an ATEX oxygen measurement probe type ZFKX to its ATEX controller type ZKMX.
It enables power supply to the probe from the controller, transmission of the probe's temperature signal, and the raw signal of the oxygen measurement.
Available in a wide range of lengths, it is protected by a reinforced, high-temperature-resistant outer sheath.


Cable length (in meters)6


Manual: ZKMX zirconia oxygen controller and ZFKX ATEX zirconia oxygen sensor

Manuals Download

Datasheet: Controller ZKMX and zirconia oxygen probe ZFKX for ATEX zones

Datasheet Download

Flyer : Reliable and precise oxygen measurement in hazardous areas

Flyer Download

Brochure: Measures for energy and the environment

Brochures Download


Atex in-situ oxygen analysers

    Atex in-situ oxygen analysers

    The Atex in-situ oxygen analyser is designed for combustion control in hazardous areas (refining and petrochemical furnaces, industrial boilers).

Cable ZRZX for ATEX oxygen analyser - ZKMX/ZFKX

From 1760 €

Reference : ZRZX