Industrial energy audits

The industrial energy audit is a diagnostic and decision-making tool that enables you to reduce your energy consumption by identifying potential savings in your utilities (electricity metering, thermal energy metering, gas metering, water metering, steam flow metering, compressed air metering), industrial processes and buildings.

Energy audits in industry

Energy audits in industry

Fuji Electric's leading expertise is at your disposal to carry out a complete energy audit of your installation. Fuji Electric provides you with the advice and services (energy audit, installation and commissioning of measuring instruments, test reports, maintenance contracts, training on the instruments) to drive your energy improvement and consumption reduction project.

The energy audit includes :

  • A complete analysis of your industrial processes enables us to highlight the energy requirements of your industrial site.
  • We can then help you identify the main sources of energy savings in relation to your industrial challenges, and take corrective action.

Objectives of an energy audit in industry :

  1. Increase your energy efficiency
  2. Reduce your production costs
  3. Reduce your energy bill
  4. Stop your energy losses
  5. Optimizing your assets

Become an active player in your company's sustainable development, whatever your sector: carry out an industrial energy audit.

The energy audit is the cornerstone of your company's energy optimization strategy:

The energy audit is the cornerstone of your company's energy optimization strateg

An energy audit is a methodical and rational approach that allows you to obtain a detailed map of the energy consumption of your production tool. The different phases of the audit must be implemented jointly with the technical managers, project managers, etc.

Today, national and European regulations converge towards common objectives:

  1. Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
  2. Increase in renewable energies (RE)
  3. Significant increase in energy efficiency

Energy audit methodology and standards systems

Define appropriate ratios and yields for quantitative or qualitative monitoring to improve and monitor energy efficiency.

European Directive 2012/27/EU

The Energy Efficiency Directive establishes a legal framework to support the European Union's drive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Article 8 of the directive obliges EU member states to introduce an energy audit for companies whose main activity is subject to regulatory obligations in terms of energy efficiency.

european directive

Energy performance monitoring: The ISO 50001 standard

Designed to help organizations from all sectors of activity, this standard offers practical methods aimed at reducing energy consumption by setting up an energy management system. A continuous improvement system is based on several stages:

  1. Take stock of energy consumption
  2. Identify the main areas of use
  3. Define a policy for efficient energy use
  4. Set targets and objectives to implement this policy
  5. Use data to better understand problems and make decisions to remedy them
  6. Measuring results
  7. Reviewing policy effectiveness
  8. Continuous improvement in energy management
energy performance monitoring

NF EN16247-1 and NF EN16247-3 energy audit standards

Published in 2012, they present datasheet for energy audits of buildings and industrial facilities. They form the methodological basis for carrying out an energy audit according to the procedure described in the NF EN ISO 50001 standard. ADEME has drawn up a methodological guide based on these standards.

Drawing up a measurement plan: Standard NF EN 17267

The 6 steps for drawing up a metering plan, in compliance with the standard, constitute a guideline for ensuring that energy consumption is monitored and that effective efforts are made to reduce energy consumption in industry.

Drawing up a measurement plan
  1. Define the context, objectives and constraints
  2. Assessing the initial situation
  3. Define an action plan to improve the measurement system
  4. Set up the measurement system with the support of an industrial automation integrator
  5. Maintain the measurement system
  6. Exploiting measurements
energy performance measurement and monitoring plan - blueprint

Diagram of how to draw up a measurement plan and monitor energy performance

One expertise, one team, one project: your energy audit

Support you in creating your measurement plan.

Support you in creating your measurement plan.

By entrusting Fuji Electric with the management of your project, you are guaranteed a perfect implementation in compliance with the standards applicable.

To facilitate your procedures, engineers and technicians, Fuji Electric support you in the development and implementation of your measurement plan.

Fuji Electric technologies, used for energy measurement and optimization, allow you to accurately determine your consumption and emissions, calculate the yields of your installations, set up your energy performance indicators and thus optimize your equipment, improve the regulation of your processes, predict and anticipate your needs.

Diagram of metering system functions

Diagram of metering system functions

Communication solutions for your energy measurement sensors

Open solutions for collecting and tracking your energy flows.

Open solutions for collecting and tracking your energy flows.

Our communication and automation specialists caution:

  • The secure reporting of your energy measurements.
  • Real-time data collection.
  • This allows you to make the best decisions to optimize your energy performance.

Monitoring and analysis of energy consumption data

Monitoring and analysis of energy consumption data

The monitoring and analysis of energy data allows a significant improvement in the consumption and operation of the installations, and contributes to the improvement of your processes.

Fuji Electric's FEMS * software uses proven technologies that take into account the characteristics of energy consumption, storage, and production of the industrial site. By combining and analyzing all the data collected (via the processing of information from large databases), it then becomes easy to optimize its energy performance.


Energy values, thermal and electrical energy metering and all of your measurements are accessible locally for daily monitoring by your operators.

Thanks to our wired or wireless communication products, this data is transmitted from the meters to our touch interface via a Modbus-type fieldbus or via the HART protocol of our measuring instruments (pressure measurement, flow measurement, level measurement, temperature control, gas analysis and radiation monitoring).

A human-machine interface (HMI) allows real-time measurement visualization and data backup. The communication protocols (Modbus, Ethernet, Profibus, etc.) available on the touch screen allow interfacing with existing automation systems, your supervision systems or our monitoring and energy optimization software.

The Monitouch interface performs the functions of calculating the Energy Performance Indices of your installations and their sharing in the form of a database to our touchscreen interface via a Modbus type field bus or via the HART protocol of our instruments.

Schematic diagram of the architecture for monitoring energy performance:

Schematic diagram of the architecture for monitoring energy performance:

Energy monitoring and optimization solutions

Consult, analyze and understand your energy flows and the yields of your equipment to optimize your operations.

Our solutions facilitate the acquisition, recording, communication, understanding, and exchange of information through interfaces tailored to your needs.

Whether at the global strategic level or at the operational level, the scope of our solutions allows you to access all the energy information of your plant in real time to identify the sources of optimization and efficiency and thus better manage the site.

Real-time, local or multi-site supervision of Energy Performance Indicators (in accordance with CEE IND-UT-134) guarantees energy monitoring for operations and daily life. These indicators allow you to make the most appropriate strategic decisions in order to optimize your energy performance.

Diagram of analysis and optimization tools:

Diagram of analysis and optimization tools
Ensure precise and continuous monitoring of your consumption

Ensure precise and continuous monitoring of your consumption:

It is from your data that the energy performance indicators are developed.

Real barometers of the operating status of your equipment, they allow you to ensure precise and continuous monitoring of your consumption, to detect possible drifts and malfunctions, to prevent breakdowns, to optimize maintenance operations, etc.

Engaging in an energy optimization process means:

Which industries are covered by the energy audit?

In France, energy audits are carried out on industrial companies and buildings in all sectors.

An energy audit includes :

  • Industrial utilities: steam, water, compressed air, gas, nitrogen, refrigeration, fuel, etc.
  • Industrial process machines: furnaces, reactors, sterilizers...
  • Environmental conditioning of industrial buildings and equipment: cold rooms, climatic chambers, premises...
  • Electrical equipment: motors, heaters, air conditioners...

Energy waste in industry in France:

Energy waste in industry in France - blueprint

A single point of contact for your energy audit project

Thanks to its recognized skills in the field of energy efficiency, Fuji Electric is able to support you in the realization of your project.
We designate a single contact to ensure the monitoring and management of your project.

A single point of contact for your energy audit project

We offer :

  • Referenced methods based on normative systems.
  • Proven engineering solutions.
  • During the construction phase of your installation, our multidisciplinary teams specializing in electricity, automation, instrumentation, mechanics, etc.
  • Strong competence in the field of data analysis systems as well as digital communication networks, in order to offer you the most suitable energy performance monitoring tools.
  • CEE funding for the implementation of Energy Performance Indicators (EPI) for your energy use equipment. (France)

your energy audit project - blueprint

Reduce your energy consumption by requesting an energy audit today!

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