Differential pressure transmitter

The pressure transmitter differential is a device that measures the pressure difference between two points in a system. This industrial pressure transmitter is highly accurate and can measure very low pressures with great precision. An essential element of fluid mechanics, this probe is often used to monitor and control industrial processes, to measure levels or flows, to detect leaks in pipes and to monitor the performance of motors and pumps.

Benefits of the FCX differential pressure sensor

Benefits of the FCX differential pressure sensor

The FKC high-precision differential pressure transmitter models from Fuji Electric accurately measure differential pressure and transmit a proportional 4-20 mA electrical output signal. Manufactured in France, the differential transmitter uses a unique, highly reliable microcapacitive silicon sensor, combined with state-of-the-art digital signal processing to deliver exceptional performance in terms of accuracy and stability.

These sensors are also used to monitor filter contamination in ventilation systems by measuring pressures upstream and downstream of the filter.

This industrialpressure transmitter is highly accurate and can measure very low pressures with great precision.

Benefits of FCX differential pressure transmitter

Differential pressure measurement with diaphragm seals

Differential pressure measurement with diaphragm seals

Differential level measurement with diaphragm seals

Differential level measurement with diaphragm seals

Level or differential density measurement with diaphragm seal PFA

Level or differential density measurement with diaphragm seal PFA

What is the principle of the differential pressure sensor?

Differential pressure (dp) is the difference in pressure between two pressures.

The differential pressure cell compares two pressures:

In this way, the differential pressure sensor converts the pressure difference into an electronic signal.

What is the principle of the differential pressure sensor?

How does the differential pressure sensor work?

How does the differential pressure sensor work?

The pressure has two pressure ports: one port for low pressure (LP) and one port for high pressure (HP).

Each of these ports is connected to a metal membrane.

When the differential pressure of the industrial process is applied across each of these ports, it deforms the metal diaphragm made of stainless steel or another material.
The intelligent pressure transmitter industrial FCX measures the pressure difference by the change in deformation of two metal diaphragms.

The metal diaphragms will transmit the measured differential pressure via an internal fluid to the microcapacitive element.

The differential pressure exerted on either side of the element compresses it. The deformation measured is proportional to the differential pressure to be measured.

The signal is then digitally processed by the electronic unit to obtain an analogue and digital signal.

Commissioning of these pressure transmitters differential valves is simple and reliable, with guides to help the user through the process.

What is the unit of differential pressure?

What is the unit of differential pressure?

The unit of measurement for differential pressure is the pascal (Pa).
There are also other differential pressure units that are commonly used, including bar, millibar, mmWC.

What are the pressure ranges of differential pressure transmitters?

What are the pressure ranges of differential pressure transmitters?

Several differential pressure ranges are available for differential pressure transmitters. The measurement ranges available range from 0 to 1 mbar for the lowest to 0 to 30 bar for the highest.

These available differential pressure ranges meet the requirements of a wide range of applications to ensure effective monitoring of fluids (liquids, gases, steam) in your industrial processes.

What is the output signal of a differential pressure sensor?

Depending on the use of the differential pressure sensor, the output signal can be programmed as either linear (output proportional to differential pressure) or as square-root (output proportional to flow).

The square root output function on a differential pressure sensor is used to measure the velocity of a fluid.

We then use the relationship between the speed of the fluid and the differential pressure which is generated by the flow rate of the fluid (Bernoulli's law).

What is the output signal of a differential pressure sensor?

This relationship is expressed by the following equation:

V = sqrt((P1 - P2) / (1/2 * rho))

P1 = Pressure on the high pressure side -HP) measured upstream of the fluid flow

P2 = Pressure on the low pressure side (LP) measured downstream of the fluid flow

rho = Density of the fluid

V = Fluid velocity

What are the application areas of differential pressure transmitters?

The various types of pressure transmitters differential are used in a wide range of applications. These include flow measurement, level measurement, as well as filter clogging and density measurement. Interface measurements are also part of their applications. These differential pressure probes are widely used in many fields. These include thermal energy, thechemical industry, and theoil and gas industry.

What are the application areas of differential pressure transmitters?

  • Measure differential pressure to check the operation of a pump or air compressor.
  • Measure pressure drop to monitor filter clogging.
  • Measure hydrostatic liquid or gas level measurement continuously, for a pressure vessel.
    The high pressure (HP) side of the level sensor cell measures pressure.
    The low pressure (LP) side of the level sensor cell measures the headspace pressure.
    The pressure difference between the high and low pressure sides allows the pressure transmitter to calculate the level.
    The density must be constant to guarantee the accuracy of the level measurement.
  • Measure a volume or mass flow of a fluid (liquid flow, gas flow, water flow or steam flow).
    In the latter case, the differential pressure transmitter is associated with a primary element which creates a differential pressure according to the flow rate of a fluid.
  • Measure an interface or a density.
  • Level measurement in closed tanks, boiler levels.
  • For applications with very low or very high temperatures, the differential pressure sensors can be equipped with one or two diaphragm seals.
  • Check hydraulic pressure in equipment.
  • Measure pressure variations to ensure machine safety.
  • Manage air pressure in HVAC ducts and ventilation and air-conditioning systems
  • Control pressure in ballast systems and monitor pressure differences in ships' fuel systems
  • Monitor pipe pressure for pump control and detect pressure differences to assess the level of clogging of water filters in water treatment units.

What are the advantages of the differential pressure transmitter?

Differential pressure sensors have many advantages for industrial processes.

Why use a differential pressure transmitter rather than two gauge pressure transmitters?

Measuring the pressure difference between two points in a system is simplified by using a differential pressure transmitter.
This measuring instrument is designed to accurately measure differential pressure and provide a corresponding digital pressure signal.
With a differential pressure transmitter, you can accurately measure the pressure difference without having to do manual calculations.

Another way of measuring differential pressure is to use two transmitters from gauge pressure. You must then measure the pressure separately and manually calculate the pressure difference. This process can be laborious and error-prone.

In addition, if you are using two pressure transmitters relative transmitters, it is essential to ensure that each transmitter is accurately calibrated for precise pressure measurements.

Indeed, if one of the pressure sensors is offset, the measurement of the differential pressure may be erroneous.

The use of a pressure transmitter differential pressure gauge eliminates these problems and the risk of measurement errors. You use a single type of device, specifically designed for this application of differential pressure measurement. You get accurate, reliable measurement you can rely on.

Control your industrial processes with our pressure transmitters products, even at very low pressure!

The differential pressure transmitter: an indispensable ally for the efficiency of your systems.